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the #DSC2024 Speakers

Learn from

Ministry Leaders.

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Fr. John Riccardo

Executive Director - ACTS XXIX

How Do We Get Well? A Principled Approach For Transformation in the Church


While best practices and brainstorming can often be useful, is there a better, more Biblical way to discern the answer to the question, “What should we do in our parish to bring transformation?” In this keynote, Fr. John Riccardo shares what ACTS XXIX believes God has given them to give away for renewal and transformation in the Church.

Ron Huntley

President of Huntley Leadership

Empowered Leadership: Making Spirit-Driven Change Systemic and Lasting


Join Ron Huntley at DiscipleShift for an insightful keynote that delves into the core principles of Spirit-led leadership. Learn how to embed these principles into your parish culture to drive sustainable, transformative change. With over 25 years of experience in parish renewal, Ron will share practical strategies and inspiring stories that illustrate how Spirit-driven leadership can become a systemic force, creating a lasting impact on your community. Don't miss this opportunity to empower your leadership and inspire real, lasting change.

Fr. Sammie Maletta

Pastor - St. John the Evangelist Parish

Embracing Our Missionary Identity

For a period, the Church thrived in a culture shaped by our faith, but now we're in a new era where our beliefs are often sidelined or even scorned. Join Fr. Sammie Maletta for a look at the cultural and societal challenges facing Catholics today. Fr. Maletta urges us to wake up to this reality and rediscover what it means to truly live our faith and lead as disciples, not just club members. Come and learn how we can embrace this shift and live out our Catholic identity with purpose and conviction in today's world.

Fr. Declan McNicholas

Associate Pastor - St John the Evangelist Parish

Diocese of Gary

Director of Missionary Discipleship and Evangelization
Director of Lay Ecclesial Ministry Program

Missionary Disciples Lead

Being in a position of authority does not equate to true leadership. Instead, it is about leading with purpose and integrity from wherever you are—whether you're a janitor, youth minister, associate pastor, pastor, bishop, or pope. Spirit-led leadership is about embodying this calling with authenticity and purpose, guiding others with the spirit of Christ’s teachings.

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